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Domino Challengers

Character design for PLUS supermarkets for their promotion campaign Domino Challengers. This campaign has a tie-in with the RTL4 program Domino Challenge; a program where the best Domino builders from The Netherlands are competing for the title "Masters of Domino 2022".

genre : Advertising, Animation, Character Design, Gaming, Printed Media

technique: Digital-Vector

Wesly Gibs is working as an illustrator/ designer since 2001. Although character design is his main forte he channels his creativity in various styles and techniques. “Continuity through diversity” is his motto. Genre: Printed Media, Character Design, Gaming, Advertising, Printed Media, Newspaper& Magazine Technique: Digital- Pixel, Digital- Vector, Markers

Other artwork by Wesly Gibs:

Domino Challengers

Domino Challengers

Domino Challengers

Domino Challengers

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