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From: Verhalen uit Kasteel de Haar

Illustration from children's book Verhalen uit Kasteel de Haar, which tells the history of castle Haarzuilens.

genre : Book, Printed Media

technique: 3D, Mixed Media, Photography

In my work I want to tell stories. My illustrations are clear and understandable. They often contain small details and have a lot of atmosphere. I want to take the viewer into the image and hope to stimulate the viewer’s imagination. My illustrations invite you to view them several times, there is much to discover. The basis for my illustrations are models of cardboard and paper, which are populated by figures made of clay and wire. I also use a lot of leftover materials. I hope to inspire the viewer to get started themselves: With materials that can be found at home, you can make the most beautiful things.

Other artwork by Coen Bouwstra:

From: Verhalen uit Kasteel de Haar

From: Verhalen uit Kasteel de Haar

From: Verhalen uit Kasteel de Haar

From: Verhalen uit Kasteel de Haar

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