Arjen Vriezekolk Arjen Vriezekolk

The Netherlands, Valkenswaard  
Unesco world heritage Corso puzzle
De Leukebroeders puzzel
Van 1976 tot 1985 verscheen de strip over het klooster van de Leukebroeders in Eppo, en de varianten daarop. Nu komen ze weer tevoorschijn met nieuwe avonturen!
Berlin city puzzle
Collage style puzzle. The first one I intend to do about the Capital cities of Europe.
Nostalgic Jigsaw puzzle
We rarely have snow these past years, but a 100 years ago that was different!
Groote Heide
The third in a series from 3 puzzles I did for the tourist board of the city of Valkenswaard, the Netherlands

About me

My name is Arjen Vriezekolk and since 1989 I'm working as a freelance Illustrator and colorist. Cartoons and comics are my main field. Puzzles, coloring illustrations for kids and a writer for educational projects.

genre : Comic, Caricature, Cartoon, Character Design, Other

technique : Digital-Pixel