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The muscles of the shoulder girdle in humans.

For ThiemeMeulenhoff I made drawings for the training of nurses. I try to make drawings that are clear and fun to look at.

genre : Book, Education, Medical

technique: Digital-Vector

Thanks to knowledge and science we no longer live as hunting and berry gathering groups, ravaged by natural disasters and diseases. Our children can advance science and make life even more enjoyable. Besides being an illustrator, I am a biologist. That is why I mainly focused on creating illustrations, animations, infographics and e-learning. Especially in the field of biology and medicine. But I also made portraits and illustrations for children's books. These illustrations can be found on my Instagram-page and on the Booxalive website .

Other artwork by Gemma Stekelenburg:

The muscles of the shoulder girdle in humans.

The muscles of the shoulder girdle in humans.

The muscles of the shoulder girdle in humans.

The muscles of the shoulder girdle in humans.

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