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Editorial Themanummer ‘Veerkracht’ | Brancheblad Uitvaartzorg

‘Veerkracht’ theme issue on mental resilience. This illustration is about balancing different feelings. Commissioned by BRANCHEBLAD UITVAARTZORG

genre : Newspaper & Magazine, Printed Media

technique: Linocut

Editorial illustrator for (trade) magazines and publishers | Showing the essence of a text in powerful images | Linocuts | Playful and to the point | Complex topics As an illustrator I depict complex subjects when a photo is not enough. An illustration brings your text to life, strengthens a text and makes it more accessible. My linocuts are powerful; playful and to the point. The structure and small imperfections gives the image an unique and lively look.

Other artwork by Leen van der Heijdt:

Editorial Themanummer ‘Veerkracht’ | Brancheblad Uitvaartzorg

Editorial Themanummer ‘Veerkracht’ | Brancheblad Uitvaartzorg

Editorial Themanummer ‘Veerkracht’ | Brancheblad Uitvaartzorg

Editorial Themanummer ‘Veerkracht’ | Brancheblad Uitvaartzorg

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